3.3.3 Dimensions. The Scan-Interlace PWB shall be of appropriate material with a
nominal thickness of 0.062 inches and shall have dimensions of 3.000 inches x 6.000 inches, +
0.010 inches. When mounted, components shall not extend more than a maximum of 0.55
inches from the surface of the printed wiring board. All four corners of the board shall be
trimmed at a 45o angle between two points 0.12 inches vertical and horizontal of the corners,
removing a triangle of board material 0.12 by 0.12 on either side of the right angle (corner). The
x-axis datum line shall be located parallel to the lower edge of the board and 0.150 inches above
that edge. It shall pass through the two 0.062 inch diameter holes located 0.150 inches above the
edge and 0.200 in from the trimmed corners. The y-axis datum line shall be located 0.200 inches
in from the left-hand edge of the board. It shall pass through the two left-hand 0.062 inch
diameter holes located 0.200 inches in from the left edge and shall be perpendicular to the x-axis
datum line. Two mounting holes 0.140 inches in diameter shall be located 2.625 inches above
the x-axis datum line and 0.225 inches and 5.375 inches to the right of the y-axis datum line as
shown on Drawing SM-D-773945. Three connectors shall be attached to the component side of
the board for the purpose of interfacing with existing hardware. One connector shall have the
dimensions of Part Number SM-C-773541-5 as shown on Drawing SM-C-773541, while the
other two connectors shall have the dimensions of Part Number SM-C-773501-2 as shown on
Drawing SM-C-773501. These connectors shall be located approximately as shown on Drawing
SM-D-773946 for P1, J1 and J2. Six Tip Jacks shall also be attached to the component side of
the board. These tip jacks shall mount in the pairs of 0.055 inch diameter holes located near the
upper edge of the board. The Tip Jacks shall be JOLO part numbers LPCJ-419-05 through
LPCJ-419-10 or M39024/11-05 through M39024/11-10 or the equivalent. They shall be located
as shown on Drawing SM-D-773946. The relationship between their reference designations and
their find numbers and colors is shown on SM-D-773946. The pinout assignments for the
connectors shall be in accordance with Drawing SM-D-773944 to ensure proper interface with
the existing hardware.
3.4 Components. The Scan-Interlace shall contain manufactured components selected
by the contractor as required to meet the performance specifications contained herein.
3.5 Performance characteristics. Scan-Interlace characteristics specified herein apply to
42 Hz or 60 Hz operation. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), only 42 Hz operation applies.
The voltages and waveforms required to measure performance characteristics are shown in
Figures 3 through 8. Measurements shall be taken after these voltage and waveform
preparations have been completed.
3.5.1 Power consumption. The Scan-Interlace shall operate with the following voltages
and currents (see Figure 3).
a. Plus 5.0, ±0.3 Vdc (1.0 ampere peak) 0.65 rms watts maximum
b. Minus 5.0, ±0.3 Vdc (1.0 ampere peak) 0.25 rms watts maximum
c. Plus 15.0, ±0.5 Vdc and -15.0 ±0.5 Vdc (1.5 amperes peak) 6.6 rms watts maximum
For Parts Inquires call Parts Hangar, Inc (727) 493-0744
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business